The Pleasure of My Company: A Novel
Daniel Pecan Cambridge, 30, 35, 38, or 27, depending on how he feels that day, is a young man whose life is rich and fulll, provided he never leaves his Santa Monica apartment. After all, outside there are 8" high curbs and there's always the horrible chance he might see a gas station attendant wearing a blue hat. So, except for the occasional trip to the Rite Aid to admire the California girl Zandy and to buy earplugs because they're on sale, he stays home a lot. And a good thing too, or he would have never been falsely implicated in a murder, never almost seduced Philipa, never done the impossible task of jogging around the block with Brian, never ironed his pillows, and he might never have won the Most Average American essay contest.
Steve Martin
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Product Info
- Publisher : Hachette Books; First Edition (October 1, 2003)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 163 pages